First, its not too hard. Im a blonde, and Im plowing through the levels. Ill give the tip a little further on.
You cant beat the price, and Im really glad I got this the other day. If you liked Creeps, 7 Cities, Bloons TD, Elemental, Fieldrunners, etc., you cant pass this up. The reason some may be having a hard time is that it plays a little like Bloons, Besiegement, Elemental, in that there are special "magic" one-off weapons that are crucial to winning, beyond just simply building towers (or in this case, placing Ninjas). You begin with the green ninja (medium attacks, medium range) and purple (slows the enemy down and does a little damage). As you beat the first level in various maps, you unlock the other ninjas, and their magic powers. Blue has a wide attack, affects several units at once. Red has a hefty attack, wider than blue but needs to be facing enemy head on for best results. Yellow collects gold and mana - you need gold to buy upgrades and mana to use magic. Heres where strategy really comes into play. When you hit the lava village, things get difficult. At least they did for me. The key was to set up one strong ninja (I think it was probably still green at that point, but maybe red or blue) and use the YELLOW MAGIC which gets tons of money. Round one over, add another strong ninja that you can now afford, and put a yellow ninja in, too, where the enemies are dying, so you replenish you mana. Thats how you beat those difficult levels. You need to spend some mana at the start, and then at various strategic points as you go, so you can upgrade the ninjas, but still have mana left over to get you through the boss battles. I prefer the whirlwind...its cheapest and I can time it right. The bombs never worked for me. While there is a tutorial, Im not sure I really appreciated the importance of the yellow ninja or its magic until I hit that first hard level. You need the little yellow guy to stock up on mana and you need that and magic to get you through those bosses. With Wind, Sand, Fire, Ice and Thunder villages, each with 6 areas to start with, a second level of difficulty, and a third that for me is still locked, theres plenty of game for your money. Keep in mind that its not just about towers, but magic, too, and you should not only be fine, but youll have a blast, too. I love it when I find a game I cant put down!
krazyfingerzz about Ninja TD